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GIS measurements are not finite. Error can occur in primary measurement stages due to man, machine, or the environmental affects at the time of taking measurements.
FREMONT, CA: Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) has widely been coupled with Geographic Information System(GIS) to solve the spatial decision-making problems where there are several measures to be compared and screened for decision alternatives. In order to help a multi-criteria decision-making process, criteria value and criteria weight should be defined whatever the preferred MCE method (including weighted linear combination (WLC), analytical hierarchy process (AHP), reference point methods, and outranking methods.
Uncertainty Analysis and GIS
An unavoidable part of spatial data is uncertainty. Due to the unpredictable nature of the problems, many real-world decision makings involve some aspects of uncertainty. Due to its operations, which include discretization and generalization on the geographical data set, spatial decision making is subjected to uncertainty. Uncertainty analyses define and understand the possible sources. A sensitivity analysis completes the process by helping to relate the amount of uncertainty and its relation to input variables.
Multi-criteria evaluation
One of the most popular evaluation processes is multi-criteria evaluation in energy supply systems since it is effective to rank or order different alternatives. In most cases, decision making is profoundly affected by the subjective judgment of stakeholders and experts. Here a necessary step to enhance the transparency of the procedure for renewable energy planning is sensitivity analysis. To have an understanding of how different cutting levels affect the results, sensitivity analysis might be performed to provide an optimal resource allocation for decision and policymakers.
Land use evaluation
Land use evaluation has always been a process of concern for years. While considering the social and economic consequences for people and the environment, it focuses on change and its effects. Multi-criteria decision making is an appropriate approach to solve decision-making problems related to land use evaluation. There are several complex natures of the many spatial decision-making problems in land-use; a local sensitivity approach is not always preferred since it doesn’t lay out the interaction effect among criteria weights.