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Fraudulent practices regarding app install are on the rise today. But what are app installed frauds? They refer to generating fake installs for a particular app and then taking the credit for it. The reason is simple, mobile advertising. These kinds of fraudulent practice end up costing the companies a lot of money. And on top of that genuine advertisement agencies must be hard to come by with as much of ad fraud happening. Hence, for prevention, it is good to have an awareness about it.
Fraudulent practices rely on many different methods and tools. The common ones among them are,
1. Bots, Emulators and click spamming , the common type of mobile app install fraud. In this fraudsters work to make fake installs more similar to genuine one like changing Google Ids, post install events, or even introducing fake IAPs.
2. Click-spam, also known as organics poaching, starts when a user lands on a mobile web page or in an app in which the fraudster will be operating.
3. Click injection is similar to click spamming but more sophisticated. The fraudster will receive the credit such installs, the fake click happens right after the download but before opening the app.
As these practices are serious matters, it is important to avoid the fraud traffic. For that,
1. Work only with trusted networks that have an anti-fraud system that can give direct support on app install campaigns.
2. Making the list of relevant key performance indicator that app install providers will have to meet
3. Analyzing the results is also important.
4. Switching of bad sources of traffic as soon as possible if there is a proof of fraud.
The field of app fraud is constantly changing. So it is not going to be easy to stop this fraud traffic.