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A vast majority of people consider the Internet of Things (IoT) as a threat to security. However, Enterprise IoT (EIoT) could also be a security tool. It’s a fact that the rise of IoT presents considerable security challenges. But, MicroStrategy, a BI and data analytics firm claims that EIoT also indicates a way towards mitigating security issues.
According to an observation by Tim Lang, CTO, MicroStrategy, 70 percent of security breaches originate from within, and EIoT can enable enterprises to monitor and scrutinize the breaches before they arise. He also mentions that B2B applications will utilize IoT innovation to enhance numerous components of business activities, including security.
What IoT offers is a method for observing and following the framework and sending alerts if there is any activity from an unauthorized party or a change in the settings in the framework. As indicated by Lang, EIoT is an improved approach than traditional passwords, which frequently need to be updated and can also be leaked or stolen. EIoT enables organizations to alleviate security threats before they occur.
Making EIoT functional, vendors design virtual representations of a physical entity calling it digital twins. They utilize sensors and network to refrigeration units, vehicles, or assembly lines for creating a digital twin. MicroStrategy is already conceptualizing it within the organization and is testing it with clients around the globe.