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FREMONT, CA: Media and entertainment industry is on an apex of rapid transformation with digital technologies grabbing the limelight. Among that, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is promising to transform the sector, impacting everything from content creation to customer experience. Read on to know more about AI applications in the industry.
With the penetration of AI in all forms of media and entertainment, the way of visualization has been dramatically impacted. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality have come in to innovate the experience of media. Reality technologies can give immersive experience by taking the audience to a virtual world and can present with virtual elements in the real world. The gaming industry was among the first to adopt AI. Unlike other sectors, the impact of technology can be visualized and experienced in the industry. The use of AI in the gaming industry leads to games with more realistic animations that mimic the natural ways.
Online video platforms are using AI to personalize content for the individual customer. Platforms using AI have algorithms that learn over time what users watch and recommend similar content, including the recommendations for most effectiveness. Increased personalization results in improved engagement, and hence, it is evolving as a must-have feature for firms to thrive.
AI-driven chatbots are driving the industry by offering personalized content, new media opportunities, and increase the effectiveness of communication on any platform in the modern age of varied digital channels. Chatbots also help audiences get the proper information that they are seeking. There are weather bots, the gaming bots, the slack bots to name a few chatbots in the media and entertainment industry
The potential of AI in the media industry is infinite. Majority of organizations across the industry have already adopted AI to help them in various tasks. With technology continually improving, one can be sure that AI can become an inevitable force that could take the business to the next level.