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Virtual Reality (VR) is a computer-generated scenario which has become the new face of seeing and experiencing the world. The technology aims at mapping a virtual world where the user can be a part of the augmented system and by doing so has it has added a new dimension to the media industry. Gaming, training, and education are the fields in which this new technology has laid a strong foundation. Creators are finding ways to apply VR in other forms.
The whole discussion revolves around a simple question, “How can Virtual Reality take animation to a new level?”
Animated videos contain music and applied graphics. These help in creating suspense, cultivating emotions and engaging the users until the end of the video. Traditionally, animated videos are mapped in a two-dimensional screen that erases the 3-D effect. Viewers act like bystanders who simply watch the video. Using VR, users can be a part of a virtual environment where they can experience minute details, rendering no data to fade away or rather simply be characters to become a part of the system as a whole.
User experience has evolved in today’s interactive environment as compared to systems used previously. Users report VR experience to be like ‘being conscious while dreaming.’ These gleeful reactions are enough to prove that VR has created a new and better form of animation technology.