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Trends keep on changing and the trends in marketing are no different. But, not all predictions come true. Experts predicted that e-books will kill paper books and Google+ will outclass Facebook. In both the cases, they were completely wrong. This makes the future completely unpredictable but the trends below will keep brewing up a storm in 2019.
1) Video Marketing
Video marketing is a giant trend without any signs of slowing down. According to a detailed HubSpot report, more than 50 percent of consumers want to see videos from brands, more than any form of content. Human beings are visual creatures and all of us like compelling images and graphics but movements grab our attention more. Facebook posts with videos have 135 percent more organic reach. Big brands take the same approach and create a video marketing strategy which triggers emotions.
2) Automated Marketing
Automated marketing works as an extension for a marketer with a set of software and technologies which can create success-driven workflows with enhanced efficacy and drive intended results which in turn helps attract, convert and close new leads and prospects. Automated marketing is beneficial and will keep trending in 2019.
3) Inbound Marketing
Inbound marketing solely depends on creating valuable and engaging content and using it to establish a brand as a trusted authority. Unlike traditional marketing which is too tactical and impersonal, inbound marketing is all about attracting, engaging and delighting people which in turn grows a business and builds trust.
4) Direct Mail and Brick & Mortar Stores
Despite all the allegations that direct mail is obsolete, it is still standing strong. Thanks to data, micro-targeting, segmentation, and a better understanding of the consumer the response rates have gone up by 5 percent while the response rates of digital mail campaigns are approx. 0.7 percent. The same goes for physical stores. E-commerce giants like Amazon, Warby Parker, Bonobos, and Casper are opening up physical stores and this is trending. As it turns out, consumers don’t want to sit in front of a computer to shop,. They prefer touching and testing the product prior to the purchase.
5) E-commerce
The biggest evidence that e-commerce is trending and will be trending in 2019 is that in 2018 the global e-commerce sales according to a detailed report by Statista were $409 billion and as per Statista, in the year 2019 it is going to be around $460 billion. The rapidly growing industry is going to be more extensive because it is global by nature. There will be no such thing as a dried out market in the future. If a product has low sales in Puerto Rico then the same product might pick up sales in Austria without missing a beat.